4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show 2: How fishing has changed in Fiji
2020 - Authored by cChange - Published by cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
Catch up on our second Qoli Vakamatau Radio Talk Back Show to hear from local experts about how fishing has changed in Fiji! Qoli Veinanumi (Communal Fishing) is an important part of Fijian culture. It is about fishers sharing their catch with the Chief, the herald, the spokesperson, the elders every time so that fishers continue to be blessed when they go out to sea and so, the mana will remain in the ocean. But the ocean is not as abundant as it once was because of how fishing has changed. Alifereti Tawake, Council Chair & Technical Advisor at The LMMA Network explains how fishing has changed and what this means for Fiji’s fishing grounds and being able to practice Qoli Veinanumi.