Scaling-up Community-based Fisheries Management in the Pacific Region Workshops French Polynesia

(January 26 to February 2 2021 - Virtual Workshops)


Polynesia SPC presentation Information paper
(The Pacific Community)

(997 KB)
Polynesia Status of CBFM in Polynesia
(The Pacific Community)

(306 KB)
Polynesia General and simple awareness for all
cChange (The Pacific Community)

(2 MB)
Polynesia Lessons learned from providing information and awareness to communities
Tonga fisheries (The Pacific Community)

(1 MB)
Polynesia Experiences in CBFM Network in Hawaii
KUA Network (The Pacific Community)

(581 KB)
Polynesia 2-way communication
LMMA (The Pacific Community)

(2 MB)
Polynesia Samoa fisheries experiences
(The Pacific Community)

(276 KB)
Polynesia SPC Legal CBFM presentation
SPC (The Pacific Community)

(664 KB)
Polynesia SPC Legal CBFM presentation (FR)
SPC (The Pacific Community)

(665 KB)
SPC presentation template workshop summary
(The Pacific Community)

(497 KB)
SPC presentation template Emerging issues
(The Pacific Community)

(569 KB)