Eleventh SPC Heads of Fisheries Meeting
(Noumea, New Caledonia)Presentations
Day 2 - Pacific-European Union Partnership (PEUMP) Programme
Andrew Smith (The Pacific Community)
Andrew Smith (The Pacific Community)
Day 2 - Observer statement - Conservation International
Johann Bell (Conservation International)
Johann Bell (Conservation International)
Day 2 - Observer statement - Pacific Fisheries Officer Training
Alec Woods, Contractor to Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology)
Alec Woods, Contractor to Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology)
Day 2 - Heads of Fisheries Meeting - Purpose, priorities and directions
John Hampton, Andrew Smith (The Pacific Community)
John Hampton, Andrew Smith (The Pacific Community)
Day 2 - Pacific handbook on gender equity and social inclusion in coastal fisheries and aquaculture
Kate Barclay, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Brigitte Leduc, Connie Donato-Hunt (UTS, WCS, SPC)
Kate Barclay, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Brigitte Leduc, Connie Donato-Hunt (UTS, WCS, SPC)
Day 2 - The impact of climate change on tuna resources
Valérie Allain (The Pacific Community)
Valérie Allain (The Pacific Community)
Day 2 - Adapting Pacific Island tuna fisheries to climate change - A proposal to the Green Climate Fund
Johann Bell (Conservation International)
Johann Bell (Conservation International)
Day 2 - Tuna Fishery Data Collection Committee - DCC11 Report
Pamela Maru (Ministry of marine Resources, Cook Islands)
Pamela Maru (Ministry of marine Resources, Cook Islands)
Day 3 - Re-booting the approach to data-poor fisheries
Andrew Halford (The Pacific Community)
Andrew Halford (The Pacific Community)