Let them go: release undersized, untargeted or unwanted fish!
Let them go: release undersized, untargeted or unwanted fish!
Anon. 2020. Let them go: release undersized, untargeted or unwanted fish! [Leaflet]. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 6 p. https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/zjtmz
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Let them go: release undersized, untargeted or unwanted fish!
Let them go: release undersized, untargeted or unwanted fish! [Video]
Is it weird for fishers to release fish? Not at all. It’s actually smart to let some fish go back to the ocean: fish that are under the minimum size limit or are protected during their spawning season. Fishers who catch them and release them alive give them a chance to reproduce and become bigger. Also, fish that are poisonous or not edible should go back to the ocean because they help keep the reefs alive and healthy.
This awesome training video gives great tips to build and use descending gear to allow fishers to send a live fish back down to the bottom. Ready? Let them go!
Join us to promote sustainable fishing practices by sharing this video. This video was produced by the Pacific Community thanks to the New-Zealand funded Effective Coastal Fisheries Management project and the Pacific-European Union Marine Partnership #PEUMP Programme.
#sustainablefisheries #PacificFisheries # FishBetter #FishForever #releasefish
#New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade # European Union in the Pacific #Sweden