Pacific Community > Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability > PROTEGE > Social and environmental resposibility

Evening debate disability (April 18th, 2024)

Documents in English  French
Affiche Soirée-débat. Changeons notre regard sur le handicap = Let's change our perspective on disability
2024. Affiche Soirée-débat. Changeons notre regard sur le handicap = Let's change our perspective on disability. Jeudi 18 Avril 2024. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 2 p.

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Presentation. Soirée-débat. Changeons notre regard sur le handicap = Let's change our perspective on disability.
2024. Presentation. Soirée-débat. Changeons notre regard sur le handicap = Let's change our perspective on disability. Jeudi 18 Avril 2024. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 31 p.

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Programme. Soirée-débat. Changeons notre regard sur le handicap = Let's change our perspective on disability.
Programme. Soirée-débat. Changeons notre regard sur le handicap = Let's change our perspective on disability. Jeudi 18 Avril 2024.. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 3 p.

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