Measuring diabetes complications, risk  factors and capacity for managing diabetes: an initial step to improve diabetes care at he  Primary Health Centre in Tonga
Measuring diabetes complications, risk factors and capacity for managing diabe...
Tonga Diabetes Association: strategic plan 2023–2027
Tonga Diabetes Association: strategic plan 2023–2027
Tonga diabetes association: strategic plan 2023–2027
Tonga diabetes association: strategic plan 2023–2027
Nutrition care for people with diabetes
Nutrition care for people with diabetes
Information factsheet for people with type 2 diabetes
Information factsheet for people with type 2 diabetes
Diabetes prevention and management in Pacific Islands Countries and Territories
Diabetes prevention and management in Pacific Islands Countries and Territories
Recommandations nutritionnelles pour les personnes diabétiques dans le Pacifique : manuel à destination des professionnels de santé
Recommandations nutritionnelles pour les personnes diabétiques dans le Pacifique...
Rapport de situation 2018 sur les politiques et lois de lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles dans les États et Territoires insulaires océaniens
Rapport de situation 2018 sur les politiques et lois de lutte contre les...
Wake-up call: help! I need an ambulance!!
Wake-up call: help! I need an ambulance!!
Tom Tom and Tokitoki...
Tom Tom and Tokitoki...
Things fall apart...
Things fall apart...
Kokonut king
Kokonut king
Tupa and the container that washed in from the sea
Tupa and the container that washed in from the sea
Wake up: once upon a time
Wake up: once upon a time
Wake up (comic strip): Tonga
Wake up (comic strip): Tonga
Weekly physical activity self-assessment questionnaire
Weekly physical activity self-assessment questionnaire
Pacifique sans tabac: halte au tabac!
Pacifique sans tabac: halte au tabac!
Ta’ofi te inu fakavalevale ote kava papalagi
Ta’ofi te inu fakavalevale ote kava papalagi
Status of Non-communicable diseases policy and legislation in Pacific Island Countries and Territories, 2018
Status of Non-communicable diseases policy and legislation in Pacific Island Cou...
Guidelines for the development and strengthening of National Diabetes Associations
Guidelines for the development and strengthening of National Diabetes Associatio...
A balanced breakfast [8 posters healthy child promising future]
A balanced breakfast [8 posters healthy child promising future]
Binge drinking destroys: peoples, families, communities [6 NCDs posters]
Binge drinking destroys: peoples, families, communities [6 NCDs posters]
Faites au mins 30 minutes d'activité physique d'intensité modérée au moins 5 jours par semaine
Faites au mins 30 minutes d'activité physique d'intensité modérée au moins 5...
Do at least 30 min of moderate-intensity activity on 5 or more days each week
Do at least 30 min of moderate-intensity activity on 5 or more days each week
This is how diabetes starts.
This is how diabetes starts.
Don't give in to diabetes: don't let diabetes cripple you
Don't give in to diabetes: don't let diabetes cripple you
Don't give in to diabetes: don't let diabetes blind you
Don't give in to diabetes: don't let diabetes blind you
We all need to stay active to stay healthy
We all need to stay active to stay healthy
Smoke-free Pacific: don't smoke
Smoke-free Pacific: don't smoke
Binge drinking destroys': people, families, communities
Binge drinking destroys': people, families, communities
Pacific nutrition workshop report: Nadi, Fiji 28–30 November, 2017
Pacific nutrition workshop report: Nadi, Fiji 28–30 November, 2017
Vili and the rainbow
Vili and the rainbow
Catalogue de publications : maladies non transmissibles (MNT)
Catalogue de publications : maladies non transmissibles (MNT)
Resource catalogue: non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
Resource catalogue: non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
Recommandations pour une vie saine dans le Pacifique : manuel à destination des professionnels de santé   et des éducateurs
Recommandations pour une vie saine dans le Pacifique : manuel à destination des...
Que trouve-t-on dans nos aliments? Du sel caché
Que trouve-t-on dans nos aliments? Du sel caché
Travels across the pacific region: the wonderful story of the breadfruit
Travels across the pacific region: the wonderful story of the breadfruit
Travels across the Pacific region: bananas make the world go round
Travels across the Pacific region: bananas make the world go round
What’s in my food? Hidden sugar...
What’s in my food? Hidden sugar...
What’s in my food? Hidden fat...
What’s in my food? Hidden fat...
Que trouve-t-on dans nos aliments? Des sucres cachés...
Que trouve-t-on dans nos aliments? Des sucres cachés...
Que trouve-t-on dans nos aliments? Des graisses cachées...
Que trouve-t-on dans nos aliments? Des graisses cachées...
Pacific guidelines for healthy living
Pacific guidelines for healthy living
Live healthy, stay healthy: Pacific guidelines for healthy living
Live healthy, stay healthy: Pacific guidelines for healthy living
Taro: a symbol of the Pacific's rich cooking heritage
Taro: a symbol of the Pacific's rich cooking heritage
My Healthy Meal: eat a variety of foods from the 3 food groups - choose fresh local products
My Healthy Meal: eat a variety of foods from the 3 food groups - choose fresh...
Recommandations pour une alimentation et une vie saines dans le Pacifique
Recommandations pour une alimentation et une vie saines dans le Pacifique
What's in my food? Hidden salt...
What's in my food? Hidden salt...
Mon assiette santé : consommez des aliments variés des 3 groupes suivants - choisissez des produits frais et locaux
Mon assiette santé : consommez des aliments variés des 3 groupes suivants -...
Pacific guidelines for healthy living: a handbook for health professionals and educators
Pacific guidelines for healthy living: a handbook for health professionals and...
Voyage à travers la région Pacifique : le fabuleux destin de l'arbre à pain
Voyage à travers la région Pacifique : le fabuleux destin de l'arbre à pain
Voyage à travers la région Pacifique : quand la banane fait tourner le monde
Voyage à travers la région Pacifique : quand la banane fait tourner le monde
Être actif au bureau: comment concilier travail et activité physique?
Être actif au bureau: comment concilier travail et activité physique?
Pacifc guidelines for healthy living
Pacifc guidelines for healthy living
Faire le choix d'une vie en bonne santé : recommandations pour une vie saine dans le Pacifique
Faire le choix d'une vie en bonne santé : recommandations pour une vie saine da...
Taro in Pacific cooking: traditional Pacific island taro recipes
Taro in Pacific cooking: traditional Pacific island taro recipes
Pacific food-based dietary guidelines review workshop
Pacific food-based dietary guidelines review workshop
Meeting report [of the] Pacific Diabetes Associations Meeting: Novotel Hotel, Nadi, Fiji 20-21 September 2017
Meeting report [of the] Pacific Diabetes Associations Meeting: Novotel Hotel,...
Faire le choix d'une vie en bonne santé : relevez le défi!
Faire le choix d'une vie en bonne santé : relevez le défi!
Live healthy, stay healthy: your  at-home, wellness challenge
Live healthy, stay healthy: your at-home, wellness challenge
Office exercise: add more activity to your workday
Office exercise: add more activity to your workday
Pacific nutrition bingo
Pacific nutrition bingo
Bingo océanien de la nutrition
Bingo océanien de la nutrition
Pasifika plates: des assiettes équilibrées aux saveurs du Pacifique
Pasifika plates: des assiettes équilibrées aux saveurs du Pacifique
Pasifika plates
Pasifika plates
Tobacco: pictorial or graphic health warning on tobacco packaging
Tobacco: pictorial or graphic health warning on tobacco packaging
A guide for Pacific Islanders - Aim for a healthy weight
A guide for Pacific Islanders - Aim for a healthy weight
Sugar-sweetened beverage tax in the Pacific Isnad Countries and Territories: a discussion paper
Sugar-sweetened beverage tax in the Pacific Isnad Countries and Territories: a...
Les fiches sur les aliments océaniens
Les fiches sur les aliments océaniens
Solomon Islands guidelines for the management of major non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in primary health care
Solomon Islands guidelines for the management of major non-communicable diseases...
NCD Roadmap report
NCD Roadmap report
Trade, trade agreements and non-communicable diseases in the Pacific Islands
Trade, trade agreements and non-communicable diseases in the Pacific Islands
Trade, trade agreements and non-communicable diseases in the Pacific Islands: intersections, lessons learned, challenges and way forward
Trade, trade agreements and non-communicable diseases in the Pacific Islands: in...
Developing a strategic approach to the design and delivery of Regional Public Goods in health at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Developing a strategic approach to the design and delivery of Regional Public...
Healthy living healthy life: working together to prevent and manage NCDs in Pacific island countries and territories
Healthy living healthy life: working together to prevent and manage NCDs in...
Nadi Statement on the NCD crisis in Pacific Island Countries and Areas; 5th February 2011
Nadi Statement on the NCD crisis in Pacific Island Countries and Areas; 5th...
Diabetes is Everybody’s Business (DEB): Diabetes prevention and management in Pacific Island countries and territories
Diabetes is Everybody’s Business (DEB): Diabetes prevention and management in...
Study of risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases in Waliis and Futuna
Study of risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases in Waliis and Futuna
Diabetes is Everybody's Business (DEB): diabetes prevention and management in Pacific Island countries and territories, introductory training programme: facilitator's manual
Diabetes is Everybody's Business (DEB): diabetes prevention and management in...
Pacific NCD Forum meeting report: 21-23 June 2010, Nadi, Fiji Islands
Pacific NCD Forum meeting report: 21-23 June 2010, Nadi, Fiji Islands
Promoting physical activity in Pacific Island communities: workshop workbook
Promoting physical activity in Pacific Island communities: workshop workbook
Promoting physical activity in Pacific Island communities: workshop manual
Promoting physical activity in Pacific Island communities: workshop manual
Underutilized and wild indigenous food plants of Makira Ulawa Province: Solomon Islands
Underutilized and wild indigenous food plants of Makira Ulawa Province: Solomon...
Building resilience to climate change: root crop and fishery production
Building resilience to climate change: root crop and fishery production
Pacific NCD Forum meeting report: 24-28 august 2009, Nadi, Fiji Islands
Pacific NCD Forum meeting report: 24-28 august 2009, Nadi, Fiji Islands
Pacific Non-communicable disease Forum 2009: aid forms - keep it simple
Pacific Non-communicable disease Forum 2009: aid forms - keep it simple
Pacific Non-communicable disease Forum 2009: appeal for strategic help
Pacific Non-communicable disease Forum 2009: appeal for strategic help
Pacific Non-communicable disease Forum 2009: stePping it up with surveys
Pacific Non-communicable disease Forum 2009: stePping it up with surveys
Pacific Non-communicable disease Forum 2009: it's an emergency - Clarke
Pacific Non-communicable disease Forum 2009: it's an emergency - Clarke
Pacific Non-communicable disease Forum 2009: calls for community action
Pacific Non-communicable disease Forum 2009: calls for community action
Projet Brief: reducing non-communicable disease
Projet Brief: reducing non-communicable disease
Climate change and food security in Pacific island countries
Climate change and food security in Pacific island countries
Pacific framework for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases
Pacific framework for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases
Cooking banana
Cooking banana
Dessert banana
Dessert banana
Pacific Islands food leaflets
Pacific Islands food leaflets
Pacific Islands food leaflets
Pacific Islands food leaflets
Diabetes is everybody's business: workshop report sub-regional workshop, 6-9th September 2004
Diabetes is everybody's business: workshop report sub-regional workshop, 6-9th...
SPC/WHO Meeting on alcohol and health in the Pacific: 28th-30th September 2004
SPC/WHO Meeting on alcohol and health in the Pacific: 28th-30th September 2004
Coconut: its role in health
Coconut: its role in health
The Leaves We Eat
The Leaves We Eat
Feeding babies and young children
Feeding babies and young children
Heart disease and hypertension
Heart disease and hypertension
Food safety
Food safety
Fats and oils
Fats and oils
Exercise and physical activity
Exercise and physical activity
Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables
Iron and anaemia
Iron and anaemia
Overweight children
Overweight children
Vitamin A
Vitamin A
Healthy lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle
Healthy eating
Healthy eating
Tobacco and betel nut chewing
Tobacco and betel nut chewing
Stress and relaxation
Stress and relaxation
Overweight and obesity
Overweight and obesity
Diabete mellitus in Solomon Islands: a practical guide to management
Diabete mellitus in Solomon Islands: a practical guide to management
The Western Pacific declaration on diabetes (WPDD): Kuala Lumpur, June 2000
The Western Pacific declaration on diabetes (WPDD): Kuala Lumpur, June 2000
The Western Pacific declaration on diabetes (WPDD): signed on 4 June 2000 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Western Pacific declaration on diabetes (WPDD): signed on 4 June 2000 in...
The fruits we eat
The fruits we eat
Lifestyle diseases in Pacific communities
Lifestyle diseases in Pacific communities
PIN (Pacific Islands NCDs): Promoting a healthier Pacific - No 43
PIN (Pacific Islands NCDs): Promoting a healthier Pacific - No 43
The Staples We Eat
The Staples We Eat
Livestock and food security: heroes or villains?
Livestock and food security: heroes or villains?
Pacific Foods: the staples we eat
Pacific Foods: the staples we eat
PIN (Pacific Islands NCDs): Promoting a healthier Pacific n° 42
PIN (Pacific Islands NCDs): Promoting a healthier Pacific n° 42
PIN (Pacific Islands NCDs): Promoting a healthier Pacific n° 41
PIN (Pacific Islands NCDs): Promoting a healthier Pacific n° 41
PIN (Pacific Islands NCDs): Promoting a healthier Pacific n° 39
PIN (Pacific Islands NCDs): Promoting a healthier Pacific n° 39
PIN (Pacific Islands NCDs): Promoting a healthier Pacific n° 40
PIN (Pacific Islands NCDs): Promoting a healthier Pacific n° 40
Green leaves: nutritious Pacific plants
Green leaves: nutritious Pacific plants
Guava: a nutritious tropical fruit
Guava: a nutritious tropical fruit
Cassava: a popular plant
Cassava: a popular plant
The civilization of the yam: the yam  –  an essential part of indigenous traditional knowledge systems in the Pacific
The civilization of the yam: the yam – an essential part of indigenous tradi...
Taro: a South Pacific speciality
Taro: a South Pacific speciality
The leaves we eat: Pacific foods
The leaves we eat: Pacific foods
Seafoods: Riches from the sea
Seafoods: Riches from the sea
Fish: Food for life
Fish: Food for life
Mango: a favourite fruit
Mango: a favourite fruit
Pawpaw: a food for everyone
Pawpaw: a food for everyone
Legumes: exciting new foods
Legumes: exciting new foods
Nuts and seeds: a variety of tastes and uses
Nuts and seeds: a variety of tastes and uses
Yam: a status food
Yam: a status food
Sweet potato: a store of goodness
Sweet potato: a store of goodness
The 1987/88 national nutrition survey of the Federated States of Micronesia: summary report prepared for the Government and the Department of Human Resources of the Federated States of Micronesia
The 1987/88 national nutrition survey of the Federated States of Micronesia:...
Chemistry of tropical root crops: significance for nutrition and agriculture in the Pacific
Chemistry of tropical root crops: significance for nutrition and agriculture in ...
1986 national nutrition survey of the Kingdom of Tonga: Technical report prepared for the National Food and Nutrition Committee
1986 national nutrition survey of the Kingdom of Tonga: Technical report...
Citrus fruits: fruits with flavour
Citrus fruits: fruits with flavour
Pumpkin: a valuable food
Pumpkin: a valuable food
Pineapple: delicious and refreshing
Pineapple: delicious and refreshing
Coconut: an island food
Coconut: an island food
Breadfruit: a food for all seasons
Breadfruit: a food for all seasons
Banana: a tropical treat
Banana: a tropical treat
Environmental health in rural development and food hygiene
Environmental health in rural development and food hygiene
Séminaire CPS/OMS sur les troubles du métabolisme, diabète et goutte en particulier: (République de Nauru, 31 juillet - 4 août 1978)
Séminaire CPS/OMS sur les troubles du métabolisme, diabète et goutte en par...
Preliminary investigation into the relationship between diet and diabetes on Tarawa, Gilbert Islands
Preliminary investigation into the relationship between diet and diabetes on...
Feasibility study, Tarawa, Gilbert Islands
Feasibility study, Tarawa, Gilbert Islands
Report on the nutrition project - New Hebrides
Report on the nutrition project - New Hebrides
Proposal for the South Pacific Commission Special Project on diabetes
Proposal for the South Pacific Commission Special Project on diabetes
Nutritional problems in the pilot area of Aitutaki (Cook Islands): (13-22 January 1975)
Nutritional problems in the pilot area of Aitutaki (Cook Islands): (13-22 Ja...
Nutritional status of children in the Pacific Islands: report of visits to South Pacific Commission (Noumea) and to New Hebrides, W. Samoa, Tonga and Fiji: 19 July to  26 August, 1975.
Nutritional status of children in the Pacific Islands: report of visits to South...
Nutrition pilot project, Cook Islands
Nutrition pilot project, Cook Islands
[Report on nutrition survey in the Cook Islands 1955]
[Report on nutrition survey in the Cook Islands 1955]
Nutrition and alimentation
Nutrition and alimentation
Khana Kakana - a taste of Fiji
Khana Kakana - a taste of Fiji
Beat Diabetes
Beat Diabetes
Le taro dans la cuisine du Paciffique: recettes oceaniennes traditionnelles a base de taro
Le taro dans la cuisine du Paciffique: recettes oceaniennes traditionnelles a...